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Join us for a seminar which teaches you how to craft an effective resume and complete an interview successfully!

Details: February 17, 2024 from 9 to 11am via Zoom
Register Here: https://lokamd.org/home/eventregister
The application cycle for the 2024 LOKA Summer Internship Program is now open!
Apply to be gain hands-on experience in the career of your interest.

Applications are due by March 31, 2024.

Apply Here: https://lokamd.org/home/internshipapplication
In collaboration with Howard County Executive Dr. Calvin Ball and the Howard County Council, LOKA celebrated Korean American Day at the George Howard Building on January 13, 2024.
In December of 2023, the League of Korean Americans hosted the 26th Anniversary of the Year-End Celebration and presented scholarships to senior high school students to promote higher education.
LoKA celebrated the 25th anniversary in the year-end event, held at Laurel Hilton Homewood Suites Hotel on December 15th. LoKA has been working to enrich the community in various areas of service, taking initiatives for youth leadership, COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, Korean translation for customer service, and many more. The celebration was a valuable chance for reflecting on LoKA’s past efforts, as well as for reinforcing the intent for the future endeavors. Click the link below to watch the full ceremony:

March 12th Zoom Meeting 11AM

Please register for this event at


High School & College Students

Learn the important skills and prepare for your next big interview.

Build impromptu speaking abilities and get insight on the unwritten rules of successful interviews.

Speaker: Mr. Lee Hencshel   LOKA Senior Advisor
March 5th Zoom Meeting 11AM
Please register for this event at

High School & College Students
Learn to be dynamic, passionate, and calm when you present.
Necessary skills to perfect your delivery and captivate your audience.
Speaker: Mr. Lee Hencshel   LOKA Senior Advisor
2022 여름 인턴십 Summer Internship
- 9-12th grade students and college students
- Register : Feb 12, Sat - Mar 31, Thurs
- Parents Meeting: April 23, Sat 11am-12pm (zoom)
Contact : lokamd1997@gmail.com
COVID-19 3rd Boorster shot & PCR test (free)

*You need to register for PCR test. (https://www.alfapharmacy.com)

Jan 29th, 2022 (SAT) 10AM-4PM, Ellicot city Lotte Plaza

Contact Info: 443-956-9171

COVID-19 3차 부스터샷 접종 및 PCR 무료 검사

*PCR 검사는 사전 등록이 필요합니다. (https://www.alfapharmacy.com)

1월 29일 토요일 10시-4시, 엘리콧시티 롯데에서 진행

문의: 443-956-9171
한국계 미국 시민연맹 차세대 지도자 육성프로그램
LoKA 8th Annual Leadership & Mentoring Day 2022
Dec 11th, 2021 (Sat) 1pm-3pm via Zoom
22nd LOKA Inauguration and 2021 Summer Internship Completion Ceremony (President: Young Ran Smith)

• 10/30 (토), 11/4 (목), 11/13 (토), 11/18 (목), 11/20 (토) : 오전 10시 - 오후 2시
• 11/30(화) : 오전 9:30 - 오후 5:30

메릴랜드 엘리콧시티 롯데 (8801 Baltimore National Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21043)
- 매장 내 푸드코드 쪽 Nice Guy 이발소 옆
- INSIDE OF LOTTE near food court next to nice guy barbershop

문의: (410) 240-7327 | (443) 956-9171
비용: 무료(COVID-19검사, 항원검사(Antigen Test)도 제공)
주관: ALFA Special Pharmacy

서비스 내용:
* COVID-19 백신 접종관련 정보 제공
* COVID-19 백신 등록 및 예약지원
*코로나19 및 항원검사 가능
* 접종일 당일 차편 제공

*운전면허증 혹은 여권 지참 후 방문하시기 바랍니다.
*3차 접종시 2차접종 백신카드를 지참하시기 바랍니다.
*체류 신분에 무관하게 접종이 가능합니다.
* 화이저 백신은 1,2,3차 모두 가능, 모더나 백신은 1,2차 가능(3차는 미정)
* 3차 부스터 백신 접종 (3차 접종은 고령자, 면역 저하자, 4월 이전 2차 접종자만 가능)

*방문하시기 전 Consent form을 미리 작성하셔서 가져오시면 빠른 접수를 도와드릴 수 있습니다.

Consent Form

The Vaccine Advisory Committee issued its booster shot guidelines which still has to be approved by the CDC director before implementation and here are what is allowed once this is approved:

1) Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been approved at this time. Not J&J.
2) Individuals > 65 year of age are qualified to get booster shots 6 months after their second doses
3) Individuals between 50-64 are qualified if they have an underlying condition such as diabetes, heart failure, asthma, Pregnancy, smoking, etc.
4) Individuals between 18-49 are qualified based on their individual conditions and risk vs. reward ratio and a discussion with the individual
5) Other professions such as healthcare workers or teachers, grocery/restaurant workers are not qualified unless they meet one of the above criteria
6) Individuals that are immunocompromised are also qualified for third doses as long as they have a immunocompromised conditions such as cancer, HIV, etc.